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Connie - Say (Myanmar Lyrics: ကော်နီ - ဆေး)

·549 words·3 mins

Lyrics #

မတတ်နိုင်ဘူး ရင်ထဲကလွမ်းတာကို
It cannot be helped, my heart longs (for you)
မတားနိုင်ဘူး ဒါစီးတဲ့မြစ်ရေလို
It cannot be halted, it is like a flowing river
မပြတ်နိုင်ဘူး ငါအရမ်းချစ်မိတာကို
I can’t part with you; I’ve loved you too much
အမှားမပြင်အမှန်မမြင် မင်းအနားရှိချင်လို့
Can’t repair what’s wrong, can’t see what’s right (I just) wanted to be by your side

နွေ ကြွေစရာတွေခြွေပြီး*
Summer, what’s yet to fall had been plucked
နွေ နွေအလယ်လိုအပူမီး
Summer, heat of the fire like mid-summer
In the end, splicing my heart
You’re also just like that

အသည်းကွဲရင် ပျောက်တယ် ဆိုတဲ့ဆေး
An elixir to cure a broken heart
An elixir to ease the pain of your absence
ကမ္ဘာမှာအခုထိ ရှာလို့မတွေ့
hasn’t been discovered yet in this world

သတိရရင် မျက်ရည်မလည်တဲ့ဆေး
An elixir that can stop my tears when I’m reminded of you
မင်းမရှိရင်ဖြစ်တယ် ဆိုတဲ့ဆေး
an elixir to ease the pain of your absence
ရှိရင်ပေးနင်အဝေးကို ထွက်သွားလေ
If it exists, give it to me and you can leave me behind

မတတ်နိုင်ဘူး ရင်ထဲကချစ်တာကို
It cannot be helped, I’ve loved with my heart
မဖြစ်နိုင်ဘူး ငါရူးသွပ်မိတာ ကို
Impossible, I’ve been insane
ငါမပြတ်နိုင်ဘူး အရမ်းချစ်မိတာကို
I can’t part with you; I’ve loved you too much
အမှားကိုအမှန်မြင် မင်းအနားရှိချင်လို့
I saw what’s wrong as right, because I wanted to be by your side

နွေ ကြွေစရာတွေခြွေပြီး*
Summer, what’s yet to fall had been plucked
နွေ နွေ အလယ်လိုအပူမီး
Summer, heat of the fire like mid-summer
နောက်ဆုံးတော့ ဒီလူပဲ အသည်းကွဲကျန်ရုံပဲ
In the end I was the one left with a shattered heart

အသည်းကွဲရင် ပျောက်တယ် ဆိုတဲ့ဆေး
An elixir to cure a broken heart,
An elixir to ease the pain of your absence
ကမ္ဘာမှာအခုထိ မရှိဘူးဟေ့
Hasn’t even existed in the world yet.

သတိရရင် မျက်ရည်မလည်တဲ့ဆေး
An elixir that can stop my tears when I’m reminded of you
မင်းမရှိရင်ဖြစ်တယ် ဆိုတဲ့ဆေး
An elixir to ease the pain your absence
ရှိရင်ပေးပါ နင်အဝေးကို ထွက်သွားလေ
If it exists, give it to me and you can leave me behind

Disclaimer #

“Author” beside my portrait means author of the blog post. I am not the author of the lyrics, youtube source is clearly stated above. I am not a song lyrics channel. I do not intend to sell anything or get any money from any affiliate links through any song lyrics page. I do not run ads. Embed link is generated through Youtube’s official share system.

*Lyrics were personally transcribed & translated by ear by me during 2020 when official lyrics were not present, and was translated based on my interpretation. Since I don’t know how to type Burmese, I handwrote the entire thing with my mouse.With that said, I do not gurantee that they are error free. Based on recent observation of more correct lyrics, there may be possible necessary corrections:

နွေ ကြွေစရာတွေကြွေပြီး should be corrected to ခြွေပြီး, changing the translation to:
(It’s) summer, what’s had to fall had been plucked, instead of: Summer, what’s yet to fall had fallen.

Additional Explanations #

The context of ကြွေ, is a burmese word that can either very specifically describe the leaves falling from a tree, or the idea of a heart shattering to pieces. Since Myanmar has only three seasons: summer, rainy season and winter, the idea of leaves falling in summer instead of autumn is not unnatural.

The context of ခြွေ, can either mean plucking leaves, and doubles as possibly, crushing a person’s heart.